Recession or Depression?

Chuck gives commentary on the market for July 7th, 2022, (slightly before the close of the market wrap-up due to a scheduling issue). Also, is it a recession or a depression, unimportant news in the news, managing your debt, some tips for wealth management, and more!

Debt Crisis Hits Home

Chuck gives an update on the market for July 6th, 2022 including home prices falling, never-ending payments, and what happened to our notifications yesterday.

Urgent Update: Fed Bubble / Recession

It’s the first day of the Third Quarter, Chuck discusses the week’s wrap-up and announces the best of the viewer challenge question from yesterday’s video.

Code RED on Debt Bubble

Chuck discusses the markets on the last day of the second quarter of 2022. Also, a new challenge! Finish the following sentence in the YouTube comment Section: “I trust the Federal Reserve as much as I trust…” Join the newsletter at:

More Fed Fantasy

Chuck discusses the market for June 29th, 2022. Also, the Chairman visits the E.C.B., crypto remains at the $20k support after rallying back, and more.

Free Money Coming

Chuck discusses the market on June 28th, 2022 including the bond inversion, precious metal action, oil and gas prices, and more. Now with better sound… finally. – The Editor

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

***Sorry about the audio, clearly had an issue with processing settings. Will be fixing for tomorrow. Learning as we go! Sincerely, the editor. 😁 Chuck discusses the market situation for Monday, June 27th, 2022. Also, a few tips on how to be successful financially and how to plan for disaster. Check out the newsletter at

Fed Chair Tries Again… – June 23rd, 2022

Chuck discusses the Fed Chair’s second appearance, this time in front of the House Committee. Also, general recap of the markets, is crypto in a trough, a possible diesel crisis and more.